To setup your code on bitbucket first run command in your root directory

git status

It will show the status whether you have initialize a repository or not. in case you dont have repo then run

git init


Now go to bitbucket and create a empty repo there.


If you are on window then find your ssh keys by going to this folder. C:\Users\HP\.ssh for example..



Generate SSH Key Pair: Run the following command to generate an SSH key pair:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""
cat ~/.ssh/

This command will define and tell the bitbucket where your id_rsa is if you make it in any other directory

ssh -i /www/wwwroot/

chmod 600 /www/wwwroot/
Check connection
ssh -T

You can enable verbose output for the SSH command to get more information about the connection attempt. Run the following command:

ssh -vT